Sports and Remedial Massage Therapist

Jayne McKee


Jayne graduated with a BA(Hons) in Dance Theatre in 1990, and worked as a professional dancer for 12 years. After receiving regular sports massage treatments to help maintain performance for 8 shows a week, she retrained as a Sports & Remedial Massage Therapist with Mel Cash at the London School of Sports Massage in 2006. She is Senior Lecturer in Dance at the University of Chichester where she recently completed her Masters Degree. Her research interests include: fascia & dance practice; fascial fitness; contemporary dance training and Laban Movement Studies.

Her treatments are tailor made for the individual and include postural assessment, deep tissue massage, soft tissue release techniques, taping, myofascial release and exercise advice. She is a fully qualified therapist, and is a member of The Institute of Sport & Remedial Massage.

You can call Jayne on 07956 982244 or send a message.